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Cam Awkward-Rich


I am vast. I contain

a barren sidewalk. A city

block. A knot of sparrows.

One handful of bread.

No matter what I do

with my hands

there is still the life that wants

no part of me. No matter

what I do with the girl

there she is.


The girl drops an O into the slit.

A door opens & out falls the world, sweet

& tacky as the sugar flossing her tongue.

Who went & made the girl an emperor?

Who gave her that scepter?

Who told her speak & her will be done?


I swear, there was a story

but each time I reached out

the words grew


let’s suppose it was a trap-

door all along.

Let’s suppose it was a glass

of water. Let’s suppose

I looked down a long hallway

& turned back.


You know, whoever said

that thing about words & stones

must have never been a child

who had only words

& stones & a river to walk

toward, pockets full of both.



Cameron_AwkwardRichCameron Awkward-Rich is currently a PhD candidate in Modern Thought & Literature at Stanford University. He is a Cave Canem fellow, on staff at Muzzle Magazine, and author of the chapbook Transit (Button Poetry, 2015). Cam’s debut collection, Sympathetic Little Monsters, is forthcoming from Ricochet Editions in 2016.



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