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Ajise Vincent

in support of sex

“we are all born sexual creatures, thank God,
but it’s a pity so many people despise & crush this natural gift”

                                                            ~ marilyn monroe

yester night, they bared their skins of everything,
        of clothes & worries. from the crown of their head
to the sole of their feet, naked. two bodies,

groomed in time’s manger danced in cadence
        to the silent whispers strummed by winds. they
moved facilely. for long, like they felt not the pat

of dusk’s finger. as if they could overcome
        the throb of two anatomies fusing into one:
the singularity & grace in the canonical image

of God. they moved back & forth— the wind
        swirling as each annotation birthed its own
pococurantism, each soft blow its temptation.

can’t you feel the stillness & beauty in
        this heat & lordosis, this failure of bronchi,
this fusion of wheezes & breathes, falling

& rising off c major as he slides into
        that which houses the harbinger of
his future, the aureole of his soul.

Ajise Vincent is an economist and social researcher based in Lagos, Nigeria. His works have appeared in The Bond Street Review, Indiana Voice Journal, Jawline Review, Jalada, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Chiron Review, Asian Signature, Ann Arbor Review, Yellow Chair Review, Bombay Review, Birmingham Arts Journal, and elsewhere. He is a recipient of the Eriata Oribhabor poetry prize 2015.

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