Art Ticker

Come See!

December 6, 2016

Vinyl nominations for Best of the Net 2017 and Pushcart 2017 […]

Iain Haley Pollock

December 4, 2016

Here’s the problem: the day and hour are bright.
Sunlight, outside the window, as it falls through
the remaining leaves of silver maples and tulip poplars,
dapples onto the garden grass. The house is quiet […]

Eloisa Amezcua

October 19, 2016

I’m dangerous; there’s little left

inside this body—

that hasn’t wanted not to subtract […]

Rohan Chhetri

October 14, 2016

On the shore, you hear nothing above the water’s
old insistence, but the slow clatter of pellets
teased out one by one from the child’s face. […]

Cate Lycurgus

October 14, 2016

I have a matchless twin who is a rascal half the time. Meanwhile I am always vile—try to either strangle her or Xerox her entire. But we are cling wrap doubled so we cannot come apart. […]

Diannely Antigua

October 14, 2016

As I watch a man steal fruit on the corner
of Myrtle Ave and Broadway, I want to know

what to do with the memory, days of the week
underwear, the hand cupping the small cones […]

Paige Webb

October 5, 2016

Pedestrians point to the out of frame
lamppost, sky, storefront
all parallel to those in view through
the window one woman calls
Self-Portrait with Various Faces

Audrey Zhao

September 28, 2016

They say I need to
hold a man
with strength but also
delicateness. […]

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