Art Ticker

Vincent Toro

Heliotropic Crab Canon

(Icarus as Felix Baumgartner)

         Blooming from dark matter,
I burst.
         Then like a nova
cleaving eternity
               I vault
      through the tropopause
demanding an answer
               from immortals.
         Gallant taunts,
love notes
         advance like
      The planets
         of the hungry.
They lack the will
      to catch me.
         Clouds refuse
the impossible,
         prodding me toward
a stilted desire.
         This ghostly ceiling
               my will
becomes the meridian,
      as fragile as
               Conceit incites angst
         with a lone touch,
      this sky
a winged eel
            that spirals like
a soft comet
         in a space suit.
I am an arrow tail
      piercing the epidermis
         like a syringe,
            like ozone.
Emptied. Punctured.
      My belly
like an egg shell
         from Earth,

(Felix Baumgartner as Icarus)

         from Earth
like an egg shell
      my belly
emptied, punctured
         like ozone,
      like a syringe
   piercing the epidermis.
I am an arrow tail
      in a space suit,
   a soft comet
            that spirals like
a winged eel
      this sky
         with a lone touch.
               Conceit incites angst.
      as fragile as
becomes the meridian,
               my will
         this ghostly ceiling,
a stilted desire
      prodding me toward
the impossible.
         Clouds refuse
      to catch me.
They lack the will
         of the hungry.
      The planets
         advance like
love notes,
            gallant taunts
      from immortals
demanding an answer.
      Through the tropopause
                  I vault,
cleaving eternity.
         Then like a nova
I burst,
         blooming dark matter.

Vincent ToroVincent Toro has an MFA in poetry from Rutgers University. In 2014, Vincent was recipient of a Poet’s House Emerging Poets Fellowship and a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry. His poems have been published in Kweli, The Buenos Aires Review, The Acentos Review, Five Quarterly, Codex, The Journal, and in the anthologies CHORUS: A Literary Mixtape, and The Waiting Room Reader 2. His debut collection, “Stereo.Island.Mosaic.” won the 2015 Sawtooth Poetry Prize and is being published by Ahsahta Press this month (Feb. 2016). He lives and teaches in The Bronx with his wife, writer and scholar Dr. Grisel Acosta.
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