Art Ticker

Chris D’Errico

Mumbo Jumbo (for Ishmael Reed)

know your spirits / before entering / strange orchards
                                    ~ American poet Ishmael Reed

Theatrical neo-squawk seeping from tv             reactionaries.
Can’t contain the vibes.             Lines thrumming
            kicking             live wires.
Hot throats             crotches.                         Carbon dioxide.

Music = chemical spirit marrow             sinewed in mind-meat.
There is death and its two-bit orchestra of sophistry
—that’s not music.

Waves ~~~~~~~~~~~ repetitions.
Undulating break~~~beats.                         U of Injury of Demiurge U
                                                                        of Desire and Revolt

And so now the night
has its torrential downpour
the day so desperately campaigned against.

Skin is not a ticket.             What to do with skin?
Save it             shed it             settle into it (?)

“Speech is what makes a man
a political being”             said Hannah Arendt
                                                                        know your spirits
It’s called white noise for a reason.

Chris D'errico

Chris D’Errico has worked as a short order cook, a doorman, a neon signmaker’s helper, and an exterminator, among other vocational adventures. His writing has appeared in such eclectic publications as Misfitmagazine, Otoliths, CounterPunch, and Blue Collar Review. His poetry books include Vegas Implosions (2008) and Ministry of Kybosh (2012), both published by Virgogray Press. Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, D’Errico lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he writes and makes music. For more visit

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