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Jessica Edwards


how much sleep is normal
at what point will my bed springs shake and snap under the constant pressure of my limp limbs
how do i remove the stains of the productive intentions which never left my sheets
why do my hunger pangs only pounce at midnight
fast food near me
can she sense my shame as she shoves my fries from her window into mine
is there a word for the permanent pre-tears sensation that forms between your clavicle
symptoms of depression
what is an ideation
does it count as an ideation if i’m too exhausted to fully formulate it
i was baptized; why am i still drowning
am i having a heart attack
what are normal fears
how to end this droste-esque recursion of panicking my panic
black therapists near me
can i get a therapist without insurance
how many more questions will the receptionist ask until she realizes i’ve hung up
can a forceful blow of my palm to my temple dislodge the unease, nestled in my brain’s folds
is there an app to treat anxiety
is there a free app to treat anxiety
how many deep breaths until i feel like they say i should
will that nervous laughter be the last i hear of you, too

Jessica Edwards was raised in Washington, D.C. She is the author of a collection of poetry lyrical.catharsis. that delves into issues of racism, intersectional feminism, and mental health, which can be found at She has contributed to Blavity as a Spring 2016 Fellow and her poetry has been featured in Abernathy Magazine. A former middle school teacher, Jessica resides in Houston and works at a youth serving organization.

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