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Suzi F. Garcia

Now, I’m Carmen Miranda w/a Gun

in her fruit hat, & that’s no banana b/c no one here is happy
to see me. B/c I’m taking it all—
                                                                           a woman on a bed surrounded by feral cats in
                                                               diamond collars & out front, a new army awaits. We
                                                                  skip, claw the sides of buildings, mark them to fall.

            Oh darlings, we call out to you but could you hear us anymore?
                                                                                        Blocked by admins, so we’re coming
                                                                                 home by home, we’re pounding on doors,

                                                       we are spreading viruses,

no assists needed, &

We re-collect, we’re shattered mirrors, but abuelita taught us well— when glass is no longer
available, look past false idols, find a reflection in storm clouds.

Suzi F. Garcia has an MFA in Poetry with minors in Gender Studies and Screen Cultures. She is a poetry editor at Noemi Press, a 2016 Macondonista, and a representative of the 2016-2017 Latinx Caucus. Her writing can be found at the Offing, Reservoir, DREGINALD, Anthropoid, the University of Arizona Poetry Center Blog, and more. You can find her on Twitter @SuziG or on Tumblr at

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