Art Ticker

Becca Barniskis

Sequin Factory Seven O Eight with Built-in Miraculous Novena

sequin sequin seven nine nine three
sequin sequin seven six for thee
sequin sequin sequin stop
this one sever
this thread
to a T-shirted collectible
unleashed to be sold
fold fold
in close

now open
all the way
shove your arms through
and up
unfurl against
the blue silver gray
wrinkling twinkling
The Devotion of the Miraculous Rosary Novena:

To complete one Novena, a person must say the Rosary for 9 days.
Three Novenas of 9 days must be said to obtain the favor.
Then, three more Novenas must be said in Thanksgiving.
In total, there must be 27 days of Rosary prayers to obtain the favor
and 27 days of Rosary prayers in Thanksgiving.
This makes a total of 54 days.

O Holy Mother
another number
random attire
acquired second-
hand second time
is smarter bolder stronger—
Protector of Heaven’s Blue
Laundress of the Stars
—or just shabby enough

Whether the prayer intention has been received or not
after the first 27 days (3 Novenas),
the person must still say the 3 Rosary prayer Novenas (27 days)
in Thanksgiving.

hey choose this
one choose this
little lady
for all your

Head Writer and Lead Stylist
Queen of the Sea
please please let me
let me
thank you again
for this fair copy

three men in a bucket
floatin’ the suds
on a flotsam fashion junket
to Bangladesh/Vietnam/Pakistan more
searching hunting sorting
size XL large medium or small
o good lord
we loves them all

these are cheap and easy
these are all over
the shelves racks branches
trees hang heavy
with the shirtsleeves
now close your eyes
make that wish
to be
a better stronger more sleeker thee

are you praying
keep praying
this is the 33rd day
when sea roars to life
here comes the 34th
when waves crash on ear
just wait for the 35th
and so on so
when prayers land
hand in hand with small
soaked backpacks
ten per pearly decade
you know it’ll all work out
and we’ll get to keep on
doing how we’re doing
hey Mary full of grace
you wanna get out of this place?

Becca Barniskis’ chapbook of poems Mimi and Xavier Star in a Museum That Fits Entirely in One’s Pocket (Anomalous Press) is available also as a collaboration with musician Nick Jaffe in both vinyl and digital formats and as a three-part film. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals, among them Colorado Review, Works & Days Quarterly, MARY, Sporklet, Handsome, and The Boiler. She teaches poetry and co-wrote the Teaching Artist Handbook, vol. 1: Tools, Techniques and Ideas to Help Any Artist Teach (University of Chicago Press, 2013). She performs her poetry to live audiences regularly as part of the bands Downrange Telemetrics and Pancake7. Find more at

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