Art Ticker

Sandra Marchetti


I wait for a note
to float off the high
branch, to sing
and stay. All things
are migratory—
leaves on trees,
feathers molting.
The geese cannot
live in their coats
much longer.
The gray, brown,
and white glow
in my sight
lines, billowing
puffs of winter.
Their necks wander on
toward dusk, toward
time, the endless
crest of the preserve.

Sandra Marchetti is the author of Confluence, a full-length collection of poetry from Sundress Publications (2015). She is also the author of four chapbooks of poetry and lyric essays, including Heart Radicals (About Editions, 2018), Sight Lines (Speaking of Marvels Press, 2016), A Detail in the Landscape (Eating Dog Press, 2014), and The Canopy (MWC Press, 2012). Sandra’s poetry appears widely in Poet Lore, Blackbird, Ecotone, Southwest Review, River Styx, and elsewhere. Her essays can be found at The Rumpus, Whiskey Island, Mid-American Review, Barrelhouse, Pleiades, and other venues. Sandy earned an MFA in Creative Writing—Poetry from George Mason University and now serves as the Coordinator of Tutoring Services at the College of DuPage in the Chicagoland area.

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