Art Ticker

Kirsten Ihns

/good girl, bird flu

when the female would speak
in the voice of capital
it destroys the capital
is this true

when the female would speak
she breadsnake drawbridge trick catch locket
she buys the polly pocket
she eats the custom pieces

this is easy this is solstice
this is witness bear and achy premiss
when the female would speak she then
she doesn’t
the wine you drink
that speech, thick and green, neat
and scaled, o, when female

would and speak the pretty capital
she brings it up so nice she strikes it
beats it senseless makes it mean
takes it as a lover
gets it taken by the ASPCA
in a loving van
to a better home

she comes back again another day

the adoption fee has been decreased
when the female would speak
she likes it

she dips the juice
she is the cake
the locale is where she does it
the all one
the hedge the park
the nicety the practice space

the capital it circulates
it takes no place
no one
out over the ocean? track this vector
big cane, coast wreck
palm tree, ship deck
tick tock
get wet

we do a lot of publisher remainders
we take the bad knocks in our trainers

when the female would in motion speak
in the voice of motion in
the sight under sight
under motion
the comely comely capital, is hype
and nauseous

when the simple should leak
of the poison slack it all
it deploys the capital
isthmus true

Kirsten Ihns is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and is currently a Ph.D. student and Neubauer Presidential Fellow in English at the University of Chicago, where she studies texts that seem to want to be images, co-curates the emerging poet/artist series Plexiglas, and reads poetry for Chicago Review. Her first book, sundaey, is forthcoming from Propeller Books in 2020, and her poems have appeared in Hyperallergic, Black Warrior Review, The Iowa Review, Yalobusha Review, Prelude, REALITY BEACH, Bennington Review, New Delta Review, and elsewhere. She is from Atlanta, GA.

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