Art Ticker

Alexis Orgera

March 30, 2016

ON THE OCCASION OF THE POET’S SUDDEN DEATH There are different kinds of dying                      my heart’s still not right all night I shake scorpions            from the Technicolor bath towel how do we mourn […]

J. Scott Brownlee

March 30, 2016

J. Scott Brownlee is a poet-of-place from rural Texas. His work appears widely and includes the chapbooks Highway or Belief (Button Poetry Prize, 2013), Ascension (Robert Phillips Prize, 2015), and On the Occasion of the […]

Anita Olivia Koester

March 30, 2016

Nipples, Ribs, and Helixes The point at which incarceration becomes inhuman begins at the body. First boundary we come up against: mouth, breast, ripe nipple. A shark tooth betwixt her clavicles, her hair helixing down, […]

Patrick Samuel

March 23, 2016

I thought I saw a deer disrepair function / from behind one of the trunks / or branch bore back in the beating […]

Marina Blitshteyn

March 23, 2016

i am a cricket now
in a crevice of ur room
i want to be a cute cricket
a creaking floor board cricket […]

Britteney Black Rose Kapri

March 23, 2016

Casually. In between a joke and her fingers inside. Something about scarred. Something about trauma. Clinical. I do not laugh. […]

Emily Paige Wilson

March 16, 2016

Steam, like a savior, rises over water.
Laying in the blue, older women bathe.
Heads back, necks golden and open, […]

Alban Fischer

March 16, 2016

Everything’s transcendence. It’s a problem.
Though I’ve tried to come back down, to be an animal again,
it doesn’t take: The afterlife’s a living shame. […]

Stephanie Bryant Anderson

March 16, 2016

  Stephanie Bryant Anderson lives in Clarksville, TN, where she attends Austin Peay State University as an English major. She edits Red Paint Hill Poetry Journal. Her first poetry collection, Monozygotic | Co-dependent will be […]

Kyle Vaughn

March 11, 2016

Early mornings, I carry the fat suit
to toilet and water.
Make a disguise out of tiny typed lines.
Pretend my fingers in a circle are glasses. […]

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