Art Ticker

Thea Brown

April 10, 2019

When I take my prescriptions I halve them carefully with the edge of a slanted tweezer blade. Call this predictable; I call it intimate. […]

Ra Malika Imhotep

April 10, 2019

The day I am officially screened
for bipolar disorder
I feel most alive –
alert to the way air moves […]

Jericho Brown

March 20, 2019

Some dark of us dark,
The ones like me, walk
Around looking for
A building or a bridge. […]

Rebecca Hazelton

March 20, 2019

The streetlights in the cul-de-sac
blinked on one by one, illuminating
the husband’s grief as it rose and fell […]

Marguerite L. Harrold

March 20, 2019

He kept asking

Hot tub juice steamed as my ass hit air
Balanced over the shoulder of a hulking boy from Palatine
All I knew about him could fit on the wings of a fly […]

Jennifer Ruth Jackson

March 6, 2019

Bags breeze past my ankles in an empty lot,
the twisted heads of plastic ghosts.
Not a lot can happen here, except everything. […]

Fakoyede Seun

March 6, 2019

such drama. i imagine.
to walk from so far

& not come near enough to solace, only
the night uncloaks itself into a familiar pretense. […]

Aurielle Marie

February 20, 2019

It feels good to eat/ the devil/ is /a raw hide pulsing/ across my tongue/ sings a new sound/ her name is January/ […]

Brian Clifton

February 20, 2019

In the suburbs, through the windows, the houses leak their big ideas. One television then another darkens. […]

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