Jeddie Sophronius
Some things you never know until
an immigrant tells you, like how his ghost
means an owl in your language & […]
Jiordan Castle
to keep people in,
out, birds off.
In winter,
pigeon has to settle for a branch […]
henry 7. reneau, jr.
Here in the United States
African-hyphenated-American means
we ourselves
are part of the problem we’re trying to solve […]
Shakthi Shrima
Again I escape the sun’s wide hands. I slump into the old brown
couch. I open my screen, again. Again, the women. Again […]
Jonathan Simkins Translating Vicente Huidobro
It’s useless casting scorn while being scorned
It’s useless marching through heaven with a chip of sky on your shoulder
It’s useless being an ocean with wings as big as the night […]
Martin Ott
It was tougher to drain the swamp than we thought,
home field advantage and all. The ocean got all up
in rivers. The insults were popping and brown water […]
Ronald Dzerigian
I stand in the shallows near the Crockett waterfront.
My calves shine. March breathes hot against the cool
water. The King’s River scatters its tributaries over […]
Maya Phillips
No matter that he shouldn’t,
that the doctor has already told him where this has led,
where this is leading (we already know) […]